A fine group of 10 to Rear Admiral Henry Clive Rawlings, C.B. D.S.O., Royal Navy, see description

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A fine group of 10 to Rear Admiral Henry Clive Rawlings, C.B. D.S.O., Royal Navy, born in 1883, he came from Padstow, Cornwall, served in WWI at the Battle of Jutland & Baltic where he won his D.S.O and was Mentioned in Despatches, commanded the cruiser Devonshire 1929-31; Director, Naval Air Division, Admiralty, 1932-34; commanded H.M.S. Glorious, 1935-36; A.D.C. to the King, 1936; retired list, 1936; served WWII (C.B.); Commodore of Convoys, September 1939-May 1940; Rear-Admiral on Staff of Commander in Chief, Nore, 1940-42; Commodore of Convoys, 1942-43; Rear-Admiral Naval Air Stations, Indian Ocean, 1944-45; Head of Admiralty Technical Mission, Canada, 1945-46, includes a large file of papers, he is not entitled to China Medal, all other medals correct