Group of 6 to MBE Warrant Officer Arthur Percival Pointing, RAF, RAF Station, Halton, served 1924-64, with full history of service, MBE June 1950, with original London Gazette for 1950, see citation for MBE, Coronation Medal confirmed

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A good group of 6 to 364930 MBE Warrant Officer Arthur Percival Pointing, Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Station, Halton, he served from 1924-64, hence his Long Service and bar, with full history of service, MBE June 1950, with original London Gazette for 1950, see citation for MBE, Coronation Medal confirmed


Warrant Officer Arthur Percival POINTING (364930), Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Station, Halton.

Warrant Officer Ponting is Warrant Officer i/o Fitter II Airframe Workshops. By his exceptional zeal, energy and personal example he has caused a marked improvement in the standard of training achieved by Aircraft Apprentices. He has been a member of Instructional Staff in the Fitter IIA workshops since December, 1947, first as a Phase Supervisor and then in complete charge since January, 1949. During the whole period he has given his utmost effort to the cause of increased efficiency and, by his tact and firm handling of all matters, he has greatly improved the harmony between the Service and Civilian Instructors, and the relations between Instructors and Apprentices.