Military Medal to Corporal Acting Sergeant Robert Rice Young, 4 Welch Regiment, see citation, 12th January 1945, signed by Field Marshal Montgomery (photocopy from public records office), London Gazette 12th April 1945

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On 7 Jan 45 Sjt Young was acting as Pl Sjt of 7 Pl of A Coy 4th Bn The Welch Regiment during the attack on the AU THIERS DE TAILLES feature. Shortly after crossing the start line, the Pl came under heavy and accurate enemy mortar fire and suffered over 50 percent casualties, including the officer Pl comd.

Showing complete disregard for his personal safety Sjt Young ran from section to section collecting the remnants of his pl, although mortar fire was still falling and the area was now being swept by Spandau fire. In a remarkably short time, he completed the reorganisation of the pl, into one strong section led by himself. The result of his drive was that when the company pushed on soon afterwards, his platoon was with him.

In spite of his platoon's numerical weakness, Young then carried out the completion of his pl's task - the elimination of a strong dug-in enemy.

The clearing of this position was essential for the safety of his own company on its final objective, and for the forward movement of the follow up, coy.

Throughout the action Sjt Young showed a very high standard of leadership and personal courage. His determination in reorganising his platoon under conditions of great danger with complete disregard of his own personal safety were an inspiration to the remaining members of his platoon and undoubtedly instilled into them the desire to continue to attack the enemy under what were at the time very unfavourable circumstances.