Group of 6 to Sergeant Solomon Cowan, a cabinet maker from Spitalfields, London. RAMC 1893, Royal Fusiliers 1899 (South Africa), promoted to Corporal, awarded DCM & discharged 1902, rejoined RAMC 1915, EEF from 1915-1919, a scarce lot, see description

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Group of 6 to 10275 Sergeant Solomon Cowan, a cabinet maker from Spitalfields, London.

Joined the Royal Army Medical Corps, London, on 4th December 1893.

Joined the Royal Fusiliers on 2nd November 1899 and served in South Africa.

Promoted to Corporal on 6th October 1902.

Awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal, London Gazette 31st October 1902.

Discharged 3rd December 1902.

Rejoined the Royal Army Medical Corps on 30th June 1915.

Served with the Egyptian Expeditionary Force from 21st July 1915 until 25th June 1919.

Full service papers. A scarce lot.